Monday, October 27, 2008

File type association on an eeePC with default Xandro

In the default Xandros installation of my eeePC, in Easy mode, it is not possible to make a file type association with an application because the system does not save that kind of preference even if the menu commands are enabled and accessible. I don't know why this appens, but there are some workarounds.
If you don't have or don't want to have the Advanced mode (Full Desktop) enabled, you could try this and this.
If you already have or want to have the Advanced mode (Full Desktop) enabled, it's much more simple:
  1. switch to "Full desktop";
  2. launch the file manager;
  3. right click the file to associate, select "Open with" and then "Other";
  4. select the application, mark the "Remember application .." checkbox and then "OK";
  5. switch back to "Easy mode".
Now the preferences are saved and used in Easy mode as well.

After a fresh reinstallation of Xandros from the recovery DVD, the "switching" trick does not work anymore..