To reduce the height of the bar, we also need to scale down the icon buttons. Therefore it is better to create a new icewm theme:
- assumed that the .icewm configuration folder exists for the default user "user":
cd /home/user/.icewm/themes
mkdir AsusSilverCompact
cd AsusSilverCompact
cp -r /usr/share/icewm/themes/AsusSilver/* .
nano default.theme - find the row where "TitleBarHeight" is and change the heigth to "16", then save and exit;
- with your preferred image editor scale down to "32" (preserving the aspect ratio, so no stretching) the height of the icons:
closeA.xpm maximizeA.xpm menuButtonA.xpm minimizeA.xpm restoreA.xpm
closeI.xpm maximizeI.xpm menuButtonI.xpm minimizeI.xpm restoreI.xpm
closeO.xpm maximizeO.xpm menuButtonO.xpm minimizeO.xpm restoreO.xpm
menusel.xpm - tell icewm to use the new theme:
change the current active theme by changing the line tocd ../..
nano theme
then save and exit;Theme=AsusSilverCompact/default.theme
- restart X