Friday, February 6, 2009

Making windows more compact on an eeePC 900 with default Xandros

I like the default GUI theme of the stock Xandros on the eeePC 900, and most of all I don't like to make too many (often incoherent) changes, but the screen is never big enough. The title bar of the windows could be shorter, for example.
To reduce the height of the bar, we also need to scale down the icon buttons. Therefore it is better to create a new icewm theme:
  1. assumed that the .icewm configuration folder exists for the default user "user":
    cd /home/user/.icewm/themes
    mkdir AsusSilverCompact
    cd AsusSilverCompact
    cp -r /usr/share/icewm/themes/AsusSilver/* .
    nano default.theme

  2. find the row where "TitleBarHeight" is and change the heigth to "16", then save and exit;

  3. with your preferred image editor scale down to "32" (preserving the aspect ratio, so no stretching) the height of the icons:

    closeA.xpm maximizeA.xpm menuButtonA.xpm minimizeA.xpm restoreA.xpm
    closeI.xpm maximizeI.xpm menuButtonI.xpm minimizeI.xpm restoreI.xpm
    closeO.xpm maximizeO.xpm menuButtonO.xpm minimizeO.xpm restoreO.xpm

  4. tell icewm to use the new theme:
    cd ../..
    nano theme
    change the current active theme by changing the line to
    then save and exit;

  5. restart X