Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Re-installing Xandros on an eeePC

Quick list for a fresh install of stock Xandros (for the 900 model) with some customization (steps to repeat for preparing my eeePC 900):

  1. remove unionfs (EeeUser howto#1);
  2. remove /dev/sda2 and enlarge /dev/sda2 (same EeeUser howto#1);
  3. edit /boot/grub/menu.lst:
  4. change default system language (this EeeUser howto seems to lead(?) to some problems, this howto is tested safe);
  5. add extra repositories and enable "pinning":
    • manual way (EeeUser howto#3);
    • or using script (EeeUser howto#4);
    • remember to check /etc/apt/sources.list for containing both "p701" and "p900" standard repositories (otherwise, possible issues like while enabling "full desktop mode");
    • add, but keep disabled (due to some conflict, enable only when needed) xepc repositories, by adding:
    • # deb p701 main
      to /etc/apt/sources.list and
      Package: *
      Pin: origin
      Pin-Priority: 935
      to /etc/apt/preferences;
  6. use script (same EeeUser howto#4) to:
    • remove SOS button from bar;
    • disable SCIM;
    • enable codec support;
    • enable "full desktop mode";
  7. fix simpleui.rc:
    • user file missing (EeeUser thread, specific for the "900" model):
      • make /var/lib/AsusLauncher as a symlink to /home/user/.AsusLauncher;
      • make /opt/xandros/share/AsusLauncher/simpleui.rc as a symlink to /home/user/.AsusLauncher/simpleui.rc;
    • invalid entries (EeeUser howto#5);
  8. download and install some GUI config tools (same EeeUser howto#5):
    • install AsusLauncher tools, first;
    • fix dependency for "Iconifier" (one of the AsusLauncher tools with
      sudo aptitude install python-imaging
    • install Tweakeee:
    • install Theeemer;
    • install EMeditor (needs menu icon to be set manually);
  9. hide the dialog box when pressing the hardware shutdown button (my way);
  10. install the webcam tray control (EeeUser howto#6);
  11. take a snapshot of system partition with partimage (record 1)
  12. modify /usr/bin/ to save some RAM (EeeUser howto#7);
  13. install WINE (EeeUser thread, specific for the "900" model, xepc repos enabled);
  14. install Exifer (win32 application);
  15. install XnView (win32 version);
  16. install Gimp (xepc repos disabled) and its svg plug-in;
  17. install Gparted;
  18. install partimage;
  19. install iftop;
  20. change host (computer) name (EeeUser howto#8);
  21. set some keyboard shortcuts (EeeUser howto#9);
  22. take a snapshot of system partition with partimage (record 2)
  23. uninstall Firefox2;
  24. install Firefox3 (EeeUser howto#10, "script" way);
  25. take a snapshot of system partition with partimage (record 3)
  26. improve wireless connection script (EeeUser howto#11);
  27. install Flash player 10 (my way) stay with default Flash player 9;
  28. install Sancho (download autoinstaller script);
  29. install GnoCHM (via Tweakeee);
  30. make autofs start at boot by adding the entry "autofs" /etc/fastservices (this explanation);
  31. install curlftpfs and configure it to use autofs (this guide);
  32. install finit-mod (my way);
  33. maximize screen space (EeeUser howto#12 + my way);
At some point, I had to (try to) install Moonlight 1.0, but it didn't work:
  • moonlight plugin crashes Firefox3 (but not Firefox2);
  • Flash player 10 does not work anymore;
  • uninstalling moonlight still makes Flash player 10 not working.

Some attempts (installing, uninstalling, reinstalling, compiling from source) to solve the problem made my Xandros setup dirty. I will restart from the last snapshot (record 3), recover configuration steps 26-33, then take a new snapshot;

  1. take a snapshot of system partition with partimage (record 4)
  2. save some disk space by:
    • uninstalling unwanted applications:
      apt-get --purge remove akregator firstrunwizard frozen-bubble frozen-bubble-data huaweiaktbbo kbruch khangman knode korganizer kpat ktuberling pidgin pidgin-data planetpenguin-racer planetpenguin-racer-data xandros-frozen-bubble-helper
    • uninstalling localization packages:
      apt-get --purge remove acroread-it asus-i18n-it-it asus-launcher-it-it asus-xnlite-it-it diskutil-it-it display-settings-it-it eeetips-it fixdesktop-it kde-i18n-it keyboardmap-data-it-it keyboardstatus-it-it minimixer-it-it networkmonitor-it-it powermonitor-it-it thunderbird-locale-it usbstorageapplet-it-it wapmonitor-it-it xandros-localedialog-it-it xandros-online-help-it xandros-personalization-it-it xandros-shutdowndialog-it-it xandros-systeminfo-it-it xandros-themedialog-it-it

    • deleting folder /usr/share/doc/xandros-online-help/it_IT:
      rm -r /usr/share/doc/xandros-online-help/it_IT
    • deleting all folders but en_US under /opt/asusdiag-0.1/help:
      cd /opt/asusdiag-0.1/help
      ls -d */ |grep -v en_US|xargs rm -r
    • deleting all folders but en_US under /opt/asusdiag-0.1/images
      cd /opt/asusdiag-0.1/images
      ls -d */ |grep -v en_US|xargs rm -r
    • deleting all .qm files but those referring to "english", here and there
      cd /
      find / -name '*.qm'|grep -v en|xargs rm
    • emptying the "Trash" folder
    • cleaning the .deb cache:
    • apt-get clean

  3. take a snapshot of system partition with partimage (record 5)
While waiting for the moonlight issue to be solved, I'm switching to EEEbuntu (dual boot with Xandros).
  1. install moonlight/silverlight support (my way);
  2. take a snapshot of system partition with partimage (record 6)