Monday, January 26, 2009

Installing the Flash player 10 (beta) on an eeePC 900 with default Xandros

Updating the Flash player from version 9 to 10 should be easy but seems to be problematic on Xandros eeePC.
It is quite easy, in fact: this post on explains how, but it is not completely exact for a 900 model.
For my model it worked this way:

  1. open a terminal by pressing CTRL-ALT-T
  2. type
    wget … 108.tar.gz 
    or download the file via a browser;
  3. once the file is downloaded, type
    tar xvzf flashplayer10_install_linux_081108.tar.gz
  4. close any open browser window;
  5. type
    cd install_flash_player_10_linux
  6. type
  7. sudo ./flashplayer-installer
  8. hit "Enter";
  9. type
    (instead of /usr/lib/iceweasel)
  10. type "y"
  11. type "n"
  12. open a browser window, and check any flash website, such as YouTube.